Mike Morini, CEO at WorkForce Software connected with HR Director and their readers to share his thoughts on how companies can better support working parents. Morini shares data to underscore the challenges that shift-based workers face and how they need more autonomy over their schedules. He notes that turnover is still an issue with the deskless workforce as many organizations are losing this vital cohort of workers due to a lack of flexibility in shift-based industries, where only 31% of organizations provide their frontline staff with scheduling control, flexible schedules, or even the ability to shift swap with colleagues.
Morini gives real world examples of how companies can improve this through modern workforce management technologies. He shares that more forward-looking companies are considering alternatives to traditional work patterns and considering ways to create ongoing flexibility in scheduling including less days per week or breaking shifts into smaller units to enable more personalized work schedules – all possible with MWFM technology. It’s eye-opening to note that much has changed since the 1920’s when the 5 day – 40 hour per week schedule became the norm. Today, companies who can offer more accommodations for employees can outmaneuver competitors who can’t.
“This level of flexibility will be a significant step forward in closing the employee experience gap we see between deskless and office-based workers, while helping companies win the war for talent. – not only helping working parents to remain productive but, most importantly, enabling them to take an active role in establishing a work-life balance that aligns with their long-term needs,” says Morini.