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Mike Morini, CEO of WorkForce Software, sits down with HRTech Cube to discuss how to effectively manage across multiple generations in the workplace.

Managing teams has never been an easy task. Determining the best leadership methods for enterprise divisions and diverse employee groups requires multiple approaches to address individual distinct needs. Managing today has been further compounded by the need to manage remote and hybrid workers, whose relationships with their employers can be somewhat muted by the physical isolation associated with at-home work. But one of the biggest obstacles when it comes to navigating various management approaches may be the need to manage different generations of workers at the same time.

Did you know that there are currently five different generations in the workforce, each with its own strengths, challenges, and motivations? Overlaps and exceptions exist, of course, but there are definite broad cultural differences between the different eras of work. What might be an appropriate motivator for a Gen Z employee will generally leave a Baby Boomer cold—and vice versa.

“Investing in what matters to each individual can be challenging but ultimately will show employees from every generation they are valued,” says Morini.

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