Webinar Series
Why Workforce Readiness is Vital to Manage Disruption
The disruption of 2020 has revealed lots of opportunities to rethink how business happens. Now is the time to reassess internal strategies and execution tactics across your enterprise workforce. Just as you adjust business strategy to meet new outside conditions, so too should you adjust your digital resource strategy tools to keep up—in fact it means you need them now more than ever.
As many organizations are thinking about how to get everyone back to work to get things moving again, the top 20% of performers in Aberdeen’s data are rethinking their entire response to external change. For these organizations, resilience isn’t enough because it focuses on the quickest way of getting back to the old way of doing business, leaving them just as vulnerable to external factors as they were at the beginning of the year. For these firms, adaptability is a winning strategy and to get there, more than 70% are raising their interest, intent, and investment stake in digital transformation.
Digital transformation is split between talent teams and the rest of HR, which is engaged heavily in workforce planning and modeling responses to an array of potential external factors. As strategic workforce planning takes on a new meaning in the age of adaptability, having the right tools to nimbly carry out business objectives as close to when they’re issued is the difference between resilience and readiness. Watch this on-demand webinar to learn about the value of workforce modeling, predictive analytics, adaptable labor resource deployment strategies, prioritized task alignment in workforce management, and the tools that support all four.
Featured Speakers:
Zachary Chertok
Research Analyst: Human Capital Management | Aberdeen
Joe Ross
VP, Global Product Management | WorkForce Software