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7 Scheduling Challenges Managers Can Finally Stop Stressing About

by | Jul 1, 2023

7 Scheduling Challenges Managers Can Finally Stop Stressing About

Scheduling employees can be a daunting task for managers. Here’s a detailed look at top concerns and how the right workforce management solutions can address them. 

1. Fairness in Scheduling 

Fairness and perceived fairness are substantially important to employees. Our Third Annual Employee Experience Study revealed that 62% of dissatisfied employees don’t see their schedules more than a week in advance, and 41% can’t swap shifts with other employees. Additionally, practices such as on-call shifts, clopening shifts (where employees close at night and open the next morning), and rotating shifts disturb work-life balance. This dissatisfaction can lead to higher turnover rates and lower employee morale. 

Solution: Employee scheduling softwareensures fair and transparent scheduling by automating shift assignments and accommodating employee preferences and availability. Automation allows employees to see their schedules in advance, reduces biases, and helps keep a more equitable work environment.  

2. Employee Fatigue 

While being a hard worker is the mark of an excellent employee, fatigue is not a virtue. Unfair schedules, sizable task loads, or disengagement can all lead to employee fatigue. Tired employees are more prone to making mistakes, being late, and feeling generally unhappy, affecting overall productivity and safety at the workplace. 

Solution: Implementing workforce management software for effective labor forecasting can alleviate employee fatigue. Managers can use the data to look ahead and prevent scheduling employees for back-to-back shifts or excessive hours, ensuring they have adequate rest between shifts. Using labor forecasting software promotes a healthier, more productive workforce. 

3. Manual Scheduling Processes 

Manually processing employee scheduling requests consumes valuable time managers could otherwise spend on strategic tasks like developing team skills. Many (40%) employees still need to contact their managers via email, SMS, or messaging platforms to obtain schedule information. 

Solution: Automating this process with workforce management software frees up time for managers. It allows them to allocate their efforts towards more impactful activities, thus accelerating business growth and enhancing employee development. 

4. Budget Management 

Managing budgets while ensuring compliance with labor laws is another significant challenge. Miscalculations in overtime pay can result in legal consequences and financial losses for companies. 

Solution: Comprehensive workforce compliance software can help managers comply with labor laws and manage budgets effectively. The software minimizes financial risks and ensures accurate pay by correctly calculating overtime and other wage components. 

5. Anticipating Scheduling Needs 

Accurately predicting staffing needs during fluctuating periods, like during events or peak seasons, is difficult without precise data and effective analysis. 

Solution: Utilizing labor forecasting software can greatly enhance the accuracy of scheduling. These solutions analyze historical data and apply algorithms to forecast future staffing needs. Labor forecasting software helps businesses prepare for demand surges, ensuring they are adequately staffed. 

6. Filling Shifts for Unplanned Absences 

Managers often struggle to fill shifts when employees call off on short notice, disrupting operations and affecting customer service and productivity. 

Solution: Absence and leave management solutions provide real-time updates and allow for quick resource reallocation. The software can find available employees who can cover shifts, minimizing disruptions and maintaining smooth operations even during unexpected absences. 

7. Maximizing Labor Productivity 

Improving workforce productivity means having the right people in the right place at the right time is crucial for maximizing labor productivity. However, manually managing this is nearly impossible due to the sheer number of variables involved. 

Solution: Employee productivity and labor tracking use advanced algorithms to minimize administrative tasks, optimize staffing, and offer workforce data insights to enable more intelligent decision-making. This allows managers to better understand employee needs and ensure that each shift is staffed with employees who are best suited for the tasks at hand, increasing productivity and maximizing ROI. 


Overcoming Scheduling Challenges 

Leveraging modern workforce management solutions like WorkForce Suite equips managers to overcome common scheduling challenges. These solutions ensure fair scheduling, reduce employee fatigue, streamline manual processes, manage budgets effectively, anticipate staffing needs, fill unexpected absences, and maximize labor productivity. 

Implementing these innovative solutions allows managers to focus on critical aspects of business growth and employee development. For more information on how WorkForce Software can help your organization, visit our website, or contact us for a demo. Embrace the future of workforce management and stop stressing over scheduling challenges today. 

Discover how you can transform your scheduling processes to enhance productivity. 

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